Tuesday 10 November 2009

2nd Gym session of the day coming up tonight

Since starting this weight loss thing I’ve been careful not to over do the exercise/gym regime. Tonight though I think I’ll give the gym another go. Went lunchtime and Alison’s out at a ‘High St traders’ meeting this evening. I could go to Brighton Jazz Co-Op but will maybe leave that for another Tuesday.

Won’t do anything too strenuous, uphill walking, light weights a bit of floor stuff and a ‘steam’. I really like the steam room. The steam room at TW Esporta is very good.

Have done sweet and sour chicken for dinner.

Friday 6 November 2009

Broken the 90 kg barrier!

This is good news 89.9kg on the bathroom scales first thing.  Fridays is my ‘datum’ weight day, although sometimes I don’t get to weigh myself until later in the day. I would expect to be down to 89.4 ish by lunch time early afternoon. Then as we have a family meal in the evening weight goes on then. I find the weight ‘plotting’ quite interesting actually. I wouldn’t be surprised if  we carry .5 – 1kg of partly digested food around in our digestive system.

Anyway I’m on cooking duties tonight. It’s gonna be chicken and bacon penne in trad pesto, sprinkled with toasted pine nuts. I could do garlic bread, not really good for me but popular with  the others.

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Busy day at the ‘office’

I’ve not had a good day exercise wise just too busy to hit the gym, though I may go out tonight. A lot of people training in the Falmer gym for the Brighton Marathon. It should be an exciting event, its on 18th April 2010. Check out


If you want more info, although I’m pretty sure it’s fully subscribed. For the Midnight Sun Run check out


Looks like a great run. I’m contemplating doing the Swiss Alps Marathon which starts in Davos. This is a multi-course race there’s an ‘easy’ marathon (downhill) and the really ‘hard’ marathon (uphill) – looks good. Another which looks exciting is the Greenland Marathon which is quite a wilderness marathon but still on defined tracks.

Sunday 1 November 2009

Check out my Just Giving page.

I know I mentioned this a bit earlier but I'm test posting out of Live Writer which seems to work really well. I have set up a Just Giving page for my Midnight Sun Run. Checkout


The Community Health Global Network is a very worthy cause providing health and other care to a wide variety of aid and voluntary organisations trying to make the world a better place.

Check out


Midnight Sun Marathon - Tromso

Well I had to do something - that weight thing - was getting to me. 54 years old, 5ft 10ins and 15st 6lb. So from August decided to do change my life style. No more pasties no more pastries, no more chips, anyway not until I'm fit enough to burn the calories.

So today I'm 14st 2lbs hitting the gym 3-4 times week and heading for the land of the midnight sun. Please check out my Just Giving webpage.