Saturday 18 April 2009

Tony Martin on Trumpet and vocals. I think Tony is a man of indeterminate years, but it must be a big number. I love his vocals and trumpet work very - individual and distinctive. Barry is behind on bass, a key member of the Karavan rhythm section he's really into his music and it shows. Karavans rhythm section is good.
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This is quite a good shot of Piers Clark (well it's in focus), meister of the acoustic rhythm guitar. This style of guitar playing is greatly underestimated in my humble opinion and we're lucky to have Piers playing locally.
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The John Harvey Tavern Lewes by night Karavan play there Wednesdays except the 1st Wednesday of the month. I would recommend the Harveys Hadlow brew, not strong but a great drink.
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Wednesday 15 April 2009

Sunday 5 April 2009

Alison at the Lama Farm

We had a spin out to the Lama Farm and went for Sussex Cream Tea for 2. Not bad for £7.00
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Saturday 4 April 2009

Below The Radar Wiki

Hi all, last year I dabbled in a 'wetpaint' wiki, which was used for a while then after the Brighton Fringe it went quiet. Anyway I'm having a look at resurrecting it. It was meant as a central point for all things 'Tom Roberts', I called it Below the Radar for the 2008 tour! .... well it seemed like a good idea at the time. The wiki is most reliable running in Firefox in Windows and Mac. Dunno why things can't be standard ....

Below The Radar

Have fun

Trial posting from my mobile phone

Friday 3 April 2009

Testing testing

Havent quite worked out how to delete the central  wetpaint feed but I'll get there eventually

Wednesday 1 April 2009

The 'Ka' deal is done with Stuart of VFM Auto Salees Groombridge, pic taken on a Sony Ericsson w715 and cropped etc in Picasa
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A Lovely Spring Day

It's a lovely sping day here in the heart of East Sussex. Karen collecting her new (second hand) Ford Ka in an hour so that will be exciting for her.